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Friday, September 14, 2012

Aha! New Bedford


Every month in downtown New Bedford we get the luxury of having a night where a bunch of people will head downtown for a special event, it's call AHA! Night ... simply put AHA = Art , History, Architecture which this city has plenty of.  We have a ton of great stores, coffee shops, restaurants and bars as well as many galleries with great art.

Interesting piece from the Ugly gallery (don't know the artist, sorry)

For me, the events can be kind of hit or miss aside from the fact that there are always some great live music. One of my favorite parts happens in front of the 767 Exchange they make sure we get our monthly musical dose of The O'Tooles at the very least (sometimes multiple musical acts) and usually we can find a live painting happening.  In the end, I usually meet up with a few fellow photographers walk around taking some photos and ending our night at the Pour Farm tossing a few back. It doesn't really matter what you are into there is always a good time to be had in one form or another.

The O'Tooles


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